I shop a lot!
And I’m always looking for the best deals on the best pieces, and I call them “Bandit Deals.”
While I wish I could make available every size, and one for everyone that wants it, most of the time quantities are few. Bandit Deals do not last long, and if you see something that you like act fast!
Every time that I go Bandit Shopping I will post each item individually in my Instagram stories, where you will see the Retail price and the Bandit price. The Bandit price is the price that I see in store for transparency.
If you see something that you like, swipe up and it will take you to that items product page, you will also see a total that includes 25% commission, tax, and variable shipping rate (determined by item size and weight) If you’re the lucky first one you can click right there and purchase it! Your shipping address must match your billing address.
Items ship out within the United States and you’ll receive tracking. All items on Like A Bandit are final sale, as they are for me when I purchase them.
I look forward to shopping Like A Bandit for you soon.